Interested in being a part of Meridian?

Counselors and counselor trainees have a variety of ways of working with Meridian. Some options are presented below. As we are a small practice, we are open to new ways of coordinating with the mental health community. To explore your interest, please reach out at 802-489-7235 or email Michelle at and let us know what you are looking for!


Meridian offers internship programming for trainees completing their clinical internship as part of their degree program, as well as post-graduate professionals accruing hours towards licensure.

For Master’s-level trainees interested in internship, click here for more information.

Supervision & Consultation

For post-graduate professionals, Megan Dunston, Michelle Metzler, and Kristina Syverson offer group and individual supervision options at a monthly rate. Supervisees are not required to practice at Meridian’s offices to access supervision services.

Meridian clinicians have also provided short-term and ongoing consultation services to agencies and providers who want to infuse DBT principles into their program or practice.